Friday, September 07, 2007

Ota tilkkuhaaste vastaan!

Nyt ollaan naiset (ja miehetkin) tärkeällä asialla. Otahan haaste vastaan, vaikkapa vain yhden tilkun voimin!


Thursday, September 06, 2007

Howdy folks!

What a surprise I had today when I visited our neighbourhood department store. The good people at Stockmann had decided to put together a New York theme. In their own sweet words:

New York arrives at Stockmann on 5 September. Latest fashion trends and ideas for your home. A lot to see, hear and taste.

Taste the City! Flavours and aromas of New York in all the
Delicagtessen (sic!) departments from 5 September.

So, I immediately rushed to the aforementioned Delicagtessen department and look what I found! Oh goody!

Oh, how I envy you, New Yorkers and other Americans! I hope you realize how lucky you are! You can buy Uh-Oh Oreo cookies and Double Stuf Oreo cookies every day.

Eating Oreos has given me a sudden urge to knit... more blankets. And what could be more appropriate, since Tilkkujen Yö 2007 is a-coming. Yippee! For those of you who can't read Finnish (And why can't you? Shame on you, it's not that hard. :-D): Tilkkujen Yö is a kind of get-together for blanket knitting people. We bring our yarns and needles and - of course - loads and loads of delicagtessen. We sit and talk and knit squares for blankets all night long. Local yarn stores donate yarn for our little event, which we are hoping to develop into a massive world-renowned extravaganza. This is what Piikkopirta donated for us crazy blanket people:

And this is what I bought (not that I need to buy more yarn, but who cares):

Naturally, I could not wait for September 22nd. I simply had to start on my own: